Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Half A Century... and Beyond

I can officially apply for AARP benefits. 😆

The country and the world are still battling the coronavirus. 😨

I'll probably be working from home until August. 😎

I was voted into a temporary position as the Precinct 1 rep for the Salt Lake City School District Board of Education. 😲

My birthday celebration was exactly what I wanted. Quality time with my girls, food from Myung Ga (sooooo yummy), seeing my family and dropping off Mother's Day gifts. 😍

Extra bonuses included presents I wasn't expecting from loved ones and a drive-by birthday celebration from my mom, siblings, in-laws, niece, and nephews. We really miss each other. 😢

Times are different now. Different doesn't always mean bad. We appreciate our loved ones more. We have time to work on home projects. We are learning and growing. Even though the future is still fuzzy with no timeline of when things will go back to "normal," we're taking advantage of being together. 💚

People around the world are stepping up and speaking out about the inequality marginalized communities have been facing for so many years, especially our black communities. In the United States, folks are voting to have their voices heard in people who can take that voice all the way to Washington D.C. Folks are tired of having their narratives dictated to them and are now pushing back. It is the hope that not only will conversations and educating ourselves continue, but true action and policy change will take place. ❤

I wonder what my guardian angel is doing. I'm pretty sure she's laughing her butt off, drunk most of the time, and saying to the other guardian angels, "Dude, watch this," before sprinkling some more craziness into my life. 😇🍷

I am halfway through my 50th year and so far it's been mostly 💩 storms. I've watched more tv and netflix than I have the past few years. Not sure how I feel about that. How is it possible to need a vacation when you already work from home? And you can't go anywhere? Cuz coronavirus and all. Heavy sigh... stay safe, ya'll. 😩

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