Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Musings from the Last Decade

At this point in my life, I can barely remember what I did last week let alone ten years ago. So, to Facebook I went to review my timeline from 2010 until now. I noticed a few things. I posted A LOT back then. Maybe I felt I had to update everyone, several times a week, about what was going on in my life. Like what I was cooking that day, people who got on my nerves, hints about things happening to me. The last few years, I have chosen to embrace the quiet. Does this mean I've become more of a social media stalker? Probably. But many of my thoughts I have saved for myself, or I've added them to my stories. Wow. Ten years has flown by and so many things have happened. There were definitely some very difficult times that tested my patience, my marriage, my sanity. We had three high school graduations that resulted in three daughters currently in college. One daughter going on a church mission for eighteen months in New York City. Watching my dad fight ALS and losing him in 2017. Beginning a new career in higher education towards the end of 2010 and still going strong. One of the best decisions of my life. Self publishing five books, three available on Amazon. This year I turn 50 years old. And I've decided to celebrate the entire year. Because I can. I will be half a century old. And I'm okay with it. There are plans for physical improvement, including more exercising and better eating choices. Communication is slowly improving with my husband and I'm excited to see how this will flourish. We are not the same people we were when we got married, but we're becoming better. That's how marriages work. I'm taking a community leadership course starting in January. Now that my girls are older, and help out a lot more around the house, I have time to participate in community work. I want to start and end the year with a bang with a whole lot of fireworks in between! So, get ready folks! I'll be updating everyone throughout this year, taking you on this journey of mine. Be prepared for more blog posts and some big things happening in 2020! Happy New Year, ya'll!

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