Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Diversity in Education

I attended our Teacher Scholarship banquet tonight where high school students were awarded full scholarships to the college as well as a smooth transition into the university. These scholarships are to promote diversity in education and multicultural teachers. It was great to see many of these students were male because not only do we need ethnic teachers but we're a little short on male teachers as well. Although I was proud to be sitting there representing our Pacific Islander population, I was disappointed to see only one of our students represented. One is good, in fact it's great, don't get me wrong. I just think there could and should be many more of our good students in education continuing the tradition of our forefathers. My own niece's high school counselor recommended this particular scholarship for her when she mentioned she was interested in education. What an amazing opportunity for students but why aren't more of our Pacific Islander students in this program? Right now it's our million dollar question.

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